Thursday, February 26, 2015
Guilt into shame "What's eating you?"
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Grief feeding your addiction
Staying sober with loved ones as addicts
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Forgiveness of our recovering addicts
Thank you. I hope you consider giving forgiveness a try! :)
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Recovery for loved ones of addicts
I decided to write about this today because a year ago today I lost someone dear and close to me. She was lost in her addiction and couldn't get the help she needed in time. Also a couple months prior her brother lost his life as well. Addiction is a evil cruel disease. It don't discriminate against anyone. It's main goal is to take away dreams and sometimes life's. It's a painful non caring disease. I've lost many friends to this disease, great wonderful souls with amazing potential for themselves. But when that demon takes over it's hard to take your control back. Eventually us addicts either lose our life's or come close to it and have to rebuild our structure again, brick by brick. Our family's help pick up the pieces as best as they can but if we unfortunately never were able to rebuild and lose the hard battle. Our family's are left with hurt, lost, pain, confusion, and guilt. What could I have done more? What should I have done less? Is this all my fault? No no and no. The loved one you have lost due to this unforgiving disease was not your loved one. Once addiction takes over it's like the loved one you have loved is gone and an alter ego is replaced. The way I put my addiction is my demon. So please all you out their struggling with a loss or pain feeling like it's your fault. Know it's not! Your family member is among the angels singing and dancing and rejoicing they are finally at peace their addiction bondage is gone. I pray for you all each and every day may you feel peace and love knowing they are in a better place watching over you. I also pray for the addicts in their addiction, may you receive help and a wake up call before it's to late. I refuse to keep burying friends.
Thank you for reading and God bless.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Living life on sober terms
When you first get introduced to recovery you will be amazed with all the new things you try and do. Normal everyday things that people do constantly. Pay bills.. who pays their bills when they have drugs to buy? Get groceries. Who needs to eat? Or actually go shopping for yourself or loved ones. I realized this the other day when I went food shopping. I was overwhelmed all day until I did because I've never done it before and didn't know what to buy, what were good deals, etc. But when I finally went what a great relief it was to know I'm capable to spend my Money on something besides drugs. Also when you start paying on past due bills you ignored in the past and they begin to pile up. Take breath and come up with a budget that works best for you. I know I get overwhelmed with everyday tasks constantly because I'm not used to it. Change is hard to make and is tough. But I'd rather pay all my bills, have food in the house, caring for myself and family more than ever. Than any high or drug. Sober life can be very stressful at times especially when it's something you've never experienced before but it's worth all the stress and tears. Out of the dark comes happiness. The longer your sober more blessings will come your way.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Appreciation of recovery
It's amazing how much we take for granted our own personal well brings when were deep in addictions. We lose ourselves completely and have to hunt who we are down again. It's a process but worth it. We appreciate all the little things in life most people wouldn't take a second look too. Like I love yous mean so much more now, hugs and kisses from our kids, the long talk with our family's. Just everything in life brings a smile to our face. It all makes us happy. We have a genuine true smile and laugh in recovery. For example, I never used to snort when I laughed til I got sober. Because I haven't truly laughed since God knows how long. Or I find myself just smiling for no reason at all. The main reason is im grateful I've beat the devil and am still hear to tell my story. I truly believe anyone can beat their devil and come out stronger then ever. I know I did it when I never thought it were possible. Getting clean?? Me no way! Well I'm living proof that if I can do it, you can too! You too will appreciate life and everything around you becomes a gift and miracle from God. Your still here when many had their addiction take everything from them including their lives. So appreciate the little things it will get you far <3
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Practicing honesty in recovery
I hear all the time whether it be in AA, groups, or with my therapist in order to have a successful recovery you have to practice a program of rigorous honesty. You cannot tell one lie. Even a little white lie some may first ask. Nope not even that. When I very first got sober I Did have a slip up and relapsed. At first I denied it and refused to myself that I did it. I was in deep denial. I started to ponder and try to learn from my relapse and I realized something. I was showing signs of relapse before it even happened. I was lieing not only to others but to myself on a constant basis. Finally after examining my relapse and learning from it. I did tell all my loved ones of my hidden use. But bottom line is if we can't be honest with ourselves then we sure as he'll can't with others. During our addictions we lie lie lie then lie some more to get what we want because it's all about us. Well so is recovery but just in a positive light. We must train ourselves to stay on that positive note and practice a program filled with integrity. Lieing we must leave in the past to let ourselves grow and prosper into the most beautiful people I know we can be. When you first get sober it's hard to be honest with yourself and others but give it time. Make a goal to tell a certain amount of truths a day and before you know it you will have developed a habit of being truthful! Also you won't have to remember all the lies you told cause it's all the truths. Just a thought. Give it a try! :)
Monday, February 2, 2015
Root of addiction
Many people ask what causes addiction? What makes someone become an addict? Do they wake up and just decide to use drugs or were they born with the addiction? Addiction is a disease. Not a choice. If it were a choice I can guarantee you not one addict would have choose this life. I say life because it truly becomes a lifestyle. You wake up and want drugs, get them, use them, and instantly are thinking about getting more and how. It's a constant go go go lifestyle. It doesn't stop. So how do we get to that point? What makes us an addict? I'm a firm believer in there's a root of all evil. Well there's a root to everyone's addiction whether it be trauma as a child, physical,mental, or emotional. Something caused you to use that first drug or take that first drink. To make you feel better or Normal. Right? Discovering that is something you have to do on your own or from the help of a substance abuse counselor. But the moment you find the root of your evil is the moment you will begin your journey through recovery. You will be able to see and understand why you felt the need to do drugs. Work through your problems and feel better about yourself. For me, my root of my addiction is loneliness. I was not popular growing up and didn't have many friends. I was teased and picked on a lot in school. But the kids who did drugs sure had plenty of them and seemed to be happy and always having a good time. So I started using drugs to fit in and have friends. Not be a loner anymore. I never realized loneliness and wanting to just fit in was the root of my evil until my counselor helped me figure it out. All those years of trying to fit in and be like everyone else when I could have just been myself. Really bother me. But it was nice to realize the problem and talk about it. It's as if a weigh has been lifted off my shoulders and a kick start in my recovery began. So my suggestion to anyone struggling with addiction or knows someone struggling with it. Try to figure out the root or cause of it all the begin with. It will help you gain a better understanding of yourself and what kind of help you need to keep your sobriety in check!
My addiction transformed RECOVERY
My name is Susie Harper and I'm a recovering drug addict. I started using drugs at the age of fourteen and haven't stopped till recently. Now im twenty. So with seven years of full on addiction, you'd think I'd know a thing or two. For example, feeling that nothing can touch you, that you got this thing handled. You can control the addiction, right? Wrong! Dead wrong. Addiction doesn't care where your from, who you are, or if your on the honor roll. All it cares about is robbing you of everything you ever had till you feel there's no turning back. Leaving you life less without a soul wondering who you are and how to get back to who you were. But the real question behind that is if you don't know who you are then how can you find yourself when your in a strangers body living a strangers life? I asked myself that very question when I got sober. At first I was a wreck, trying to learn how to live and understand life concepts all over again. Its as if I were a child in an adults body trying to relearn everything again. Eating, sleeping, socializing, structure, and even walking were a challenge for me. Eating, who eats right when their on drugs? Or at all for that matter. So when it came time to actually start eating i didn't know what to do or eat. I didn't want to get "fat" but I knew I needed to gain weight. Sleeping, I either slept to much or not enough. So trying to find a medium balance between the two that was not only healthy but right for me was difficult. Too much sleep, I got depressed. Not enough, im non coherent. Socializing, that was a huge one for me to relearn. During the last couple months of my addiction I isolated from the world. Hiding out in my room ashamed of whoever I was. So as I hid out from the world its as if I forgot how to communicate with people or interact with them. Structure, how do I cope or deal with structure when im so used to craziness around me. Just living day by day trying to get by. Walking, learning to walk around actually noticing and becoming aware of life around me was quite an interesting one. I began to look for the little miracles everywhere around me each day. All these things and many more I have had to learn to live life on sober terms. Some wise man in an AA room once told me the to stay sober the only thing you need to change about yourself is EVERYTHING. I never took it so seriously til I began to see all the changes I've made about myself and my life. Is it easy? Hell no. Is it worth it?? Yes yes and yes.
Recovery has and continues to change my life everyday. I actually stop to smell the roses. I get down on my knees and pray for guidance. I live life not just exist in it. Recovery has gave me back my life and taught me how to actually live and enjoy many things. Along my broken path and roads I have found myself. Oh what a true gift and miracle that is! So now you know a little bit about me I would like to share the reason of this blog. As you may know, I've been through a lot when it comes to addiction and recovery. So if I can take my knowledge, life experiences, and education on addiction to help others then I'll take part in saving life's. Who wouldn't want that :) I'm going to try my hardest with all I got to educate/help addicts who still suffer, recovering addicts, and loved ones of addicts to better understand the addiction and what their going through. To help them get sober and stay sober. Down to what to do if you relapse. The main point of my blog is to help and educate!! Thank you and I hope you keep on reading my future posts. Comment if you'd like me to write about something in specific.