When we have drug addict family members that are still in their addictions, it is crucial for us to cut them out of our life's. It's a hard decision to make but I promise you that you won't regret it. My brother is an addict, addicted to the same thing i have struggles with and is still very active in his addiction. Do i talk to him? Or associate with him? No. Does that mean i don't miss him? Hell no, i miss the heck out of my other brother. I tried to still maintain our brother/sister relationship since i have gotten sober. Boy was that a mistake. You just cant be around old friends or using people when your clean and working the program. I found that i had nothing to talk about with him and that he was to concerned on himself to have a good time with me. I've never in my entire life have had a healthy sober relationship with my brother. Now that i'm sober i want it more than anything is this world. But do i go out of my way to help him or put my recovery at risk? No. I can't i know I'm far more to valuable and have worked to hard to let it all go down the toilet. I pray for my brother on a daily basis and hope he finds this new way of life. Its so much more rewarding and worth living. I'm not going to say it isnt a struggle cause i still occationally struggle with urges, triggers and user dreams. But i'd much rather have the struggles then to be living in them. Life is so much better and worth while now. In recovery, we get to experience new things every single day. Whether it be discovering a new hobbie, going out and having a good time sober, or just finding and discovering who you are. You get to do that EVERYDAY and boy i wouldn't change a thing now. So be grateful for what you got because our loved ones that are still in their addiction are dieing for our happiness and feelings of self worth. Take time to appreciate the little things but never underestimate your addiction. Protect yourself and recovery always.
With all the love in the world, Susie
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