When you first get introduced to recovery you will be amazed with all the new things you try and do. Normal everyday things that people do constantly. Pay bills.. who pays their bills when they have drugs to buy? Get groceries. Who needs to eat? Or actually go shopping for yourself or loved ones. I realized this the other day when I went food shopping. I was overwhelmed all day until I did because I've never done it before and didn't know what to buy, what were good deals, etc. But when I finally went what a great relief it was to know I'm capable to spend my Money on something besides drugs. Also when you start paying on past due bills you ignored in the past and they begin to pile up. Take breath and come up with a budget that works best for you. I know I get overwhelmed with everyday tasks constantly because I'm not used to it. Change is hard to make and is tough. But I'd rather pay all my bills, have food in the house, caring for myself and family more than ever. Than any high or drug. Sober life can be very stressful at times especially when it's something you've never experienced before but it's worth all the stress and tears. Out of the dark comes happiness. The longer your sober more blessings will come your way.
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