Thursday, March 12, 2015

Emily's Story

I'm 40 y/o 'gal, I am an alcoholic-addict in recovery. On Feb.15,2007, I was rushed to the hospital - throwing up blood, confusion, bloody nose, bloody everything, the works, I went into a COMA for SIX days, I awoke, and had no clue as to who these 'loving' people around me were. I couldn't walk I couldn't write, I couldn't FEED myself. It took 10 days to be able to stand up and hold up my own body weight. I was addicted to Heroin and Alcohol. I'd been homeless for 2 years and living out under freeways, occasionally in a tent until we'd accidentally catch it on fire - candles. Two(2) months were in my car (w/ an old boyfriend of mine who i began my IV addiction with, he's since been shot and killed by an L.A. police officer, this was in 2002?) 'til that car was towed w/ nearly every last belonging of mine, i 'got' to watch them tow it away. I arranged myself up with a new addicted homeless partner during these 2 years homeless, wherein drinking became an ALL DAY EVERY DAY necessity. I have been arrested several times for vagrancy, panhandling off of freeway exit ramp, drinking in public, physical altercations w/ my 'then' partner, never any drug-charges fortunately.I'd been using Heroin (IV)for 2 years total heroin use (5 yrs+) and most every other illegal drug that there be. I spent many o' nights in SF General Hospital, with staff infections, swelling, abscess in my throat, wherein I literally had the breathing capability of a tiny coffee stirring straw, I had over 2 dozen seizures, usually when i couldn't beg enough cash to buy a drink, i'd been punched in the face by 3 separate men on 3 separate occasions, i'd been escorted by the fire dept to Sf-general Hospital due to the 'then' partner having smacked my head against the asphalt, repeatedly, for hiding the dope and laughing at his desperation for it, this happened on a major holiday - wherein the dope wasn't easy to find, and not a lot of businesses were open, so, the fire department - 3/4 long blocks away, was my only hope in escaping any more head-trauma. they set up a restraining order for me - against this person - which is still in effect to this day. *back to 2/15/07 : I had continuous seizures from the withdrawal of the alcohol (and the methadone that i had finally gotten onto, prior to my hospital visit, they had to PARALYZE me to stop the seizures and to do tests. This killed me for FOUR minutes. The doctor's told my mother & father, to prepare for a funeral and it's costs, and that IF I DID come out of the coma, i would be -brain-damaged severely to where the costs of taking care of me should also be considered. It's a long story, which i did, and STILL DO keep logged in journals. They've assisted much in remembering. The long story i have on paper, the memory-loss is my depression-center. I had alcoholic hepatitis, @40yrs, I have Cirrhosis of my liver.
It's crazy-fortunate that i am alive today. Now I hold each day in a major state of gratitude. It's not supposed to be easy. A New Life.

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