Thursday, March 12, 2015

Haley's Story

My name is Haley. I am a heroin addict. I have only been an addict for about a year but what I have endured and put my self through is stuff I never expected. I am a 23 year old single mother. I was with their father for six years and endured a nasty breakup. I met a new guy a few months after The break up and fell madly in love. Then heroin was introduced. I never used any drug but heroin which is surprising because usually you experience with others but he introduced it to me and I was iving right away because that's what he did and he always did it for me. I blew 3000$ in one week and that was suppose to go towards my daughter's school supplies and clothes but it didn't. Then we became homeless, living in a tent, panhandling everyday just so we could score. We were buying 10 bags a day no matter what. If we had to steal from Wal-Mart and return items for gift cards we did. We spent hours panhandling since it was easy cash. He was running from the law for a probation violation and a cop stopped us one day for panhandling. He obviously went to jail which opened my eyes because I also went to jail for a false statement to a cop. This was my first charge and never went to jail. I was traumatized. But this didn't stop me. I stayed clean for a week after he went to jail which was February 6. After a week of being depressed and beating my withdrawals I was bored and wanted dope. I went to panhandle for one bag. Bad mistake. This started it back up after a week clean. Then I went on another binge risking panhandling while being out on bond. I didn't care, I wanted to die because I thought I lost my best friend and the love of my life. Well then I met a guy named Brandon. He's a recovering addict and is on suboxone. He relapsed one time with me and after that he helped me get clean. 
So now I've been clean 6 days. He sees my true potential and loves me for me and our relationship isn't based on heroin. I opened my eyes and saw I was blinded by dope and my ex fiance is still in jail and if he would have never went I would still be an active user. This time I truly want to stay clean and I am finally happy and at peace with my life. Even though it's only 6 days I am so proud of myself. I am ready for my new beginning and being clean. Since my now boyfriend is helping me with suboxone he's being smart and I will only be on it a week. I do not want to be addict to that drug as well. Life is finally looking up!

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